Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day One

So I have decided to join a tour of the earth for the next couple weeks. My whole Earth Science class from Lakeside Middle School (Coordinates:  47°43'39.64"N 122°19'38.02"W) have decided to go and take a tour of the earth, so we have packed up out things, and are ready to head on out. I have packed with me a lot of things-just to name a few:
a) Clothes to last a week
b) Junk Food
c) Books and electronics (shhhh don't tell my teachers!)
d) GPS
e) Translator
f) Money in all kinds of currency

and the list goes on and on.

As I type up this blog entry, I see the bus that is going to take us to the airport has arrived, and is waiting for us to put our load of things into the back. It's a sturdy greyhound bus, very reliable (or so it seems right now). Capacious room for all of our hefty supplies we need to take with us for our trip.

Okay, since I just finished packing my items into the back of the bus first, I have time to finish up this entry. Since we are out studying tectonic plates in our class, our science teachers,

Mr. Huston

       Mr. Hopson
Mr. Snellen

are having us stop by on the borders of tectonic plates, so we can see the different kinds of end-results of tectonic plates sub-ducting, transforming, and divergent.

At the airport, we took a vote to see where we would go first. We'll visit many different types of Tectonic Plate Boundaries: Convergent Collision, Convergent Sub-duction, Divergent and Transform boundaries. But, our choices for our first stop were:

a) Japan, to see the North American Plate sub-ducting under the Pacific Plate.
b) The Himalayas-to see the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.
c) The Andes-to see the Nazca and the South American plate.

Because of the recent earthquake in Japan, that interested us, we voted to go to Japan first. I'll write my next entry when I get to Japan!

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