Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 6-Part 2

So, back from my little exploring trip in the Andes mountains, now I need to give you a re-cap on what happened!

See the Horsies? Neigh!
Here's a picture, I thought was really fun. Ponies running around with the beautiful Andes Mountains in the background, a lovely sight!

You might be wondering about how the Andes were formed! Well, we came to the Andes because we wanted to observe ANOTHER type of Plate Boundary! Let me give you some hints:

The Nazca Plate smashed into the South American Plate, created the Andes! The Nazca plate is the oceanic plate, while the South American Plate is the Continental Plate.

Can you guess what type of boundary that is?

If you answered "Convergent" boundary, you are partially correct! Can you be more specific? (Hint: Think about Japan and the Himalayas, and compare...)

If you answered: "Convergent Sub-duction", you get a cookie! That's right! The Nazca plate sub-ducted underneath the South American Plate, and the Andes were born.

So, we've visited many different places: Tokyo, Japan; Kathmandu, Nepal; Cairo, Egypt; and now, Santiago, Chile. Our next and final stop will be at the San Andreas fault, in California! (If you're smart, you'll go back to my first post and read up on the different types of boundaries we would visit, and if you read carefully, you would cross off all the boundaries except one......which tells you what type of boundary the San Andreas fault is!)

I'll see you there!

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