Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 4

We're driving down to the Red Sea now, and with my awesome little internet thingy, I can get internet almost anywhere!

So in a little bit, we'll be at the Red Sea, and it's actually a result of Tectonic Plate movement! I'll explain when I get there!


So we arrived here at the Red Sea, a couple hours ago, but we were too engrossed in playing in the sea and on the beach, that I forgot to post my adventures! We went swimming, sailing, playing a game of failed beach volleyball, and more. Don't you think this is a lovely place? Then, our teachers explained how the Red Sea was formed, when we were all taking a break.

A summarization of how the Red Sea was formed: The Red Sea was formed when the Arabian Plate pulled away from the Eurasian Plate, which is called "divergence". Since the two plates pulled away, it left a huge trench where the plates would have. It quickly got filled with water, and the Red Sea was formed.

So, we are technically at a "Divergent" boundary, and what an amazing place this is! Very beautiful....we're even contemplating moving our plane tickets back a day or two to stay here for a while! This is such a nice place to stay, a nice hotel, nice swimming pool, great food, the works...

Well, if there's nothing else to say about this, this post is over!

I'll see you tomorrow!

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